Where the River Meets the Lake-July 2023 Newsletter

I trust you are enjoying the "dog days of summer." The "dog days" span July 3 to August 11 and have little to do with actual dogs. This stretch of time references Sirius*, the Dog Star, the brightest star in Earth's night sky and part of the constellation Canis Major (the Great Dog). Ancient Greeks and Romans noted that the hottest days of the year occurred around now, when Sirius appears to rise with the Sun. They reasoned that this bright star joined in adding heat to summer days. We know now that typical dog-day heat is due to Earth’s tilted annual rotation around the Sun.

As you can read in the newsletter, the dog days of summer have not slowed FOLSR down. In part this is due to the efforts of our first-ever AmeriCorps member, Kate Murray. From creating sticker and t-shirt designs, to marketing and hosting events, to crafting this very newsletter, Kate's help has been instrumental in FOLSR's 2023 accomplishments. Kate will be leaving in August to pursue the next adventure but before Kate takes off, I want to say a big and sincere "Thank You!"

Click here to read the entire newsletter.


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