Where the River Meets the Lake - Fall 2023 Newsletter

The Friends of the Lake Superior Reserve understands that partnerships can build stronger organizations and communities. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I'd like to express gratitude for the partners FOLSR worked with over the last several months, including the Lake Superior Reserve, the City of Superior, Wisconsin Sea Grant, AmeriCorps, Marshfield Clinic Health Systems, Hawk Ridge, Embark Support Employment, the Minnesota Land Trust, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and Starry Skies North.

I'd also like to say thank you to FOLSR's board members for volunteering their time to support the vitality and effectiveness of the Lake Superior Reserve through fundraising, advocating on behalf of the Reserve and engaging community members in the Reserve’s work. FOLSR is grateful to the anonymous donor who's generosity has allowed FOLSR to work with Jessie Green, an AmeriCorps member helping FOLSR with communication, events and administration.

And, thanks to you for caring about the St. Louis River estuary. It takes partners, volunteers, and people like you to understand and protect such a special place. Thank for reading our autumn newsletter. Thank you for being a FOLSR member or becoming a member and your interest in the work we do.

Click here to read the entire newsletter.


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