About the Friends of the Lake Superior Reserve
We envision a clean, healthy St. Louis River Estuary supported by a thriving Lake Superior Reserve that inspires people to become closer to the waters and wild places of the estuary.
Support the vitality and effectiveness of the Lake Superior Reserve. We do this through fundraising, advocating on behalf of the Reserve and engaging community members in the Reserve’s work.
Role of the Friends of the Lake Superior Reserve
The Friends of the Lake Superior Reserve is closely linked to the Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve, but each organization has its own role.
The Friends of the Reserve strives to provide support for Lake Superior Reserve programs, operations, and facilities through fundraising, contributing and organizing volunteer efforts, and building membership in support of nonfederal match requirements. Our members enable us to be a reliable partner to the Reserve and an advocate for stewardship and protection of Lake Superior’s coasts and estuaries.
The Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve works in partnership to improve the understanding of Lake Superior’s coast and estuaries. The Reserve address issues affecting the watershed through integration of research, education, outreach and stewardship. For more information on the Reserve visit the Reserve web site here.
Founding of the Friends of the Lake Superior Reserve
The Friends of the Lake Superior Reserve was founded by a group of individuals who valued the estuary and surrounding waters. They wanted to do everything they could to ensure the Lake Superior Reserve thrives for years to come. Founding members began working on forming FOLSR in 2016. FOLSR was formally registered with the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions as “Friends of the Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve, Inc.,” a nonstock corporation (nonprofit), on Feb. 13, 2017. FOLSR received IRS 501(c)(3) status in April 2017.
The Friends of the Reserve organization is overseen by a Board of Directors elected by membership. Subject to the limitations of the FOLSR Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, and the as defined for representatives of Non-Profit Conservation Corporations in Section 23.0955 of the Wisconsin Statutes, all management and affairs of the organization are exercised by or under the authority of the Board of Directors.