2025 Annual Meeting Recap

Jim Anklam (past chair of the Friends of the Lake Superior Reserve) gives the annual update to the audience of the Annual Meeting.

(photo credit: Deanna Erickson)

Despite the bone-chilling temperatures of the Twin Ports, over forty people attended the Friends of the Lake Superior Reserve Annual Meeting on Tuesday, February 18. What a turnout!

Friends, members, volunteers, and stewards of the estuary all gathered at the Lake Superior Estuarium to hear about what the Friends of the Lake Superior Reserve have been up to for the past year. Reserve staff gave an update on all the work they’re doing to protect the estuary, and John Shepard gave the keynote presentation on a variety of documentary projects on Lake Superior estuaries.

Thank you to all who made this event possible, including those who provided our food and beverages during the social time: UWS Catering and Earth Rider Brewery. Thank you to the Friends of the Lake Superior Board for their planning and presentation of the event, Lake Superior Reserve staff for their informative update, and John Shepard for an excellent finale to the event. Lastly, thank you to all who attended, including FOLSR members, volunteers, and community members who make our work possible.

Recap article by Callie Grones


“We heart estuaries” letter template for contacting decision-makers (credit: National Estuarine Research Reserve Association)

With headlines in the news about federal funding, you may be curious about how the Reserve is operated. Over 70% of the Reserve's operational budget comes from Congressional appropriations determined each year when a federal budget is passed.  Those funds are distributed by the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, divided equally between each of the 30 reserves across the country.  The remaining funds that fuel the Reserve, covering primarily staff salaries, come from the UW-Madison Division of Extension's Natural Resources Institute.  Staff at the Reserve are UW-Madison employees.

You may also support our work by becoming a member of the Friends of the Lake Superior Reserve. Our members are natural resource professionals, stewards of the estuary, and community members, just like you! To become a member, visit our website at this link here: https://folsr.org/joinrenew

Or, consider volunteering at one of our various events throughout the year. To express interest in becoming a volunteer, please fill out the form on our website here: https://folsr.org/volunteer

Friends of the Lake Superior Reserve board member recruitment flyer (credit: Friends of the Lake Superior Reserve)

Lastly, the Friends of the Lake Superior Reserve are looking for community members to serve on our board of directors. If becoming a board members interests you, please consider filling out this interest form.

Any and all forms of support are greatly appreciated! It is because of you that we can continue this important work of supporting the Lake Superior Reserve and the St. Louis River Estuary.


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