Rage Against Invasive Plants
INVASIVE PLANTS: Buckthorn (top), purple loosestrife (left), spotted knapweed (right)
Exercise some pent-up frustrations with FOLSR and the Lake Superior Reserve. We are looking for volunteers to battle buckthorn, knock back knapweed and pummel purple loosestrife. Interested? Contact the Reserve’s Stewardship Coordinator,
Kirsten Rhude ,<kirsten.rhude@wisc.edu>.
Here’s what we know so far:
Purple Loosestrife Biocontrol (Now - July)
The Reserve is expecting to release purple loosestrife predators (cella beetles) in invasive purple loosestrife patches this summer. Hungry beetles stress the invasive plants in ways that make them smaller and less able to spread. The Reserve is partnering with Douglas County and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to host a rearing tent at the Reserve to raise up to 100,000 beetles for release in the St. Louis River Estuary. Each stage of activities needs the help of 1-3 volunteers. When these activities happen depend on phenology (how plants are growing and beetles are developing). You’ll only have a few days notice and the events will likely be on weekdays. If you can be flexible, expect to make an impact!
Mid May. Gardening day! Gather at Reserve to pot up plants and move into rearing cage
Early June. Collect beetles (fun and easy day)
Mid July. Release beetles (fun!)
Late July. Cleanup day - Prep plants for overwintering in situ, or haul root balls back to Pokegama. "Clean up" the Reserve lawn - presumably take down the net and store indoors for the winter, leaving the bare rearing cage frame anchored securely in the ground.
Can you help? Contact kirsten.rhude@wisc.edu.
Spotted Knapweed Pull on Wisconsin Point (July or August)
The Reserve is organizing a spotted knapweed pull day on Wisconsin Point. The date has not been set but know that this will be a great time to make the world a better place by pulling and cutting invasive plants.
Interested in helping? Contact kirsten.rhude@wisc.edu.
Buckthorn Pull on Clough Island (common and glossy) (Fall)
Douglas County is hosting two volunteer days to hand-pull buckthorn on Clough Island. Paddle out to work on the island in Reserve canoes or personal craft. Douglas County will provide training on buckthorn ID and the island, and mark areas for buckthorn removal. This will be a fun way to get out on the estuary, enjoy the scenery and give back to the ecosystem. Tentative dates:
Saturday, September 17 from 10am-3:30pm
Friday, September 30 from 10am-3:30pm
Interested in helping? Contact kirsten.rhude@wisc.edu!